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Biology - Sigma XI Page 横幅

Sigma Xi

365英国上市官网 has an active chapter of Sigma Xi, the national scientific research honor society. The goal of Sigma Xi is to promote the health of the scientific enterprise and honor scientific achievement. If you want to be added to the OU Sigma Xi email list, to get reminders about lunch seminars, the annual initiation banquet, 还有其他事件, send a request to Sarah Hosch ((电子邮件保护)).


Sigma xi年度讲座

Klaus-Peter Koepfli
Senior 研究 Scientist
Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation
What genomics can teach us about conserving threatened species
Thursday, March 28, 2024
4:00-5:00 PM
奥克兰中心 Ballroom B/C

2:45-3:45 PM Student 研究 Poster Celebration

OU students take home nine awards at annual Sigma Xi conference

Our chapter receives funding from its membership and 365英国上市官网. We thank the following at OU for their generous support:

生物科学 Department
Center for Biomedical 研究
College of 艺术与科学
Office of the President
Office of 研究 Administration

会员 in Sigma Xi is by nomination which is conferred in one of two ways, and is NOT dependent on the nominee having a specific education degree. Students and non-students follow the same review process.

  • 完整的会员 is conferred upon any individual who has shown noteworthy achievement as an original investigator in a field of pure or applied science or engineering.
  • 准会员资格 is available to any individual who has, through initial research achievement in a field of pure or applied science, shown an aptitude for research.
  • Promotion to 完整的会员 is available to individuals who were previously elected as an Associate Member and who now meet the requirements for 完整的会员 noteworthy achievement may apply for promotion using the same protocols listed here.

请参阅 Qualifications for 会员 了解更多信息.

下载并完成 提名表格. A Full member must nominate the candidate; a Sigma Xi officer will second the nomination.

Submit the completed form with a check payable to Sigma Xi to cover the cost of annual dues to:

Sarah Hosch President, Sigma Xi


New members can be processed at any time. New members joining before July 1st end up getting a few months free! 

你可以 also apply directly to the Committee on Qualification and 会员 via an online form, but please do NOT apply to both a Chapter and the Committee. This will only delay the processing of your nomination. 

年度更新 & 税税率
Annual dues renewal notices are mailed from the National office in January. 你可以 在线支付会费 at the Sigma Xi website. A 完整的价差表 可以在网上找到. Please be sure to add $5 local chapter dues to your annual renewal.

President - Sarah Hosch

Vice President - Gerard Madlambayan

Secretary - Luis Villa-Diaz
Treasurer - Randal Westrick 

Department of 生物科学

(248) 370-3550