



铅笔的图标作者:Kelli M. 提图斯





“选择这个领域对我有好处,Alyssa Lalko说, 365英国上市官网机械工程专业. “这意味着我可以通过多种方式产生影响. All engineering students are empowered, in one sense, to impact the world with their skills. 但作为STEM领域的女性,我可以

Lalko is one of nearly 1,900 female students who has a STEM-related major at OU. 这并不奇怪. 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局, 科学领域的职业, 技术, 工程和数学专业预计将增加8个.到2028年,这一比例将达到8%,而与茎干无关的比例为5%. 但是,尽管职业需求很高,美国政府却没有采取任何措施.S. STEM领域的男女比例失衡.


为什么这很重要?? 对于植根于研究的STEM领域, 这种需求是显而易见的:不同的理论来源于不同的观点.

“科学技术是创新的基础,365英国上市官网校长奥拉·赫希·佩斯科维茨说, M.D. “对于一所大学培养下一代的工作来说, 它需要从各种各样的经验中获得信息. 作为一名女科学家, 研究员或教授不能改变研究结果, 而是通过拓宽来增强它们

以下这些女性都是各自领域的先驱, 在他们指定的研究领域开辟出独特的空间. 他们的经历跨越了几代人. 尽管这些女性持有不同的观点
学位和学术荣誉, each one offers a distinct contri但ion to their craft that will help push their fields forward in both scholarly exploration 和 gender equality.



她一头扎进了自己的职业生涯.D.,是雄心壮志的写照. 她
teaches courses full-time, advises a national student organization’s OU chapter, networks with
industry partners for research opportunities 和 helps develop a new biomechanics lab in the

“我做任何事情都不会半途而废。. Diesbourg证明. “I’m learning 和 growing with my students, so I can keep exp和ing my knowledge in the field.”

Dr. 迪斯堡开始担任助理教授 环境健康和安全 in 2019. 她所受的教育主要是运动学, 她在那里 dipped her toe in ergonomics a decade ago 和 made the leap to occupational safety when she came to OU. 有必要为安全专业人员提供人体工程学课程, 和 Diesbourg found a place 她在那里 could merge her extensive training in muscle movements 和 workplace efficiency.

“My focus was on movement science, particularly in biomechanics which naturally led to the
人体工程学的研究,”博士说. Diesbourg. “在俄勒冈州立大学,我发现了两种健康之间的关系
sciences 程序s (环境健康和安全 和 movement science) that I could bridge

她的教育努力融合在一起. Diesbourg’s research looks at how the body of special populations function in the workplace. 她 is keenly interested in how normal changes in a person’s lifespan affect their ability to stay healthy in the tasks they undertake, 和 will have the resources to further pursue these studies once the school’s Biomechanics Ergonomics 和 Athletics 研究 (BEAR) lab is completed over the next year.

虽然博士. Diesbourg did not anticipate finding herself in this field at the start of her academic
事业,她知道她在她需要的地方. “If what you think you want in your career doesn’t feel right, then change it,” she shares. “As long as you are willing to have an open mind, there is no limit to what you can do.”



18届SBA学生Avanti Tatiraju为了实现自己的梦想已经走了很长一段路. 在印度出生并获得工商管理硕士学位, Tatiraju是一家银行的分析师, 她在那里
她是那个部门唯一的女性吗. 虽然她喜欢这份工作,但塔蒂拉朱觉得自己被低估了
高压气氛. 她和她的丈夫最终决定离开印度去寻找

“As a child, I never knew whether to go with data or 程序ming, because I loved both,”
回忆Tatiraju. 在这些兴趣的驱使下,她开始了自己的职业生涯 信息技术硕士学位
管理. Tatiraju felt at home in the 程序, working closely with faculty 和 securing
两个学期的研究生助教奖学金. 她的第一个项目是为福特(Ford)做文本分析,使用新的
工具滚动投诉和寻找常用词. 该工具允许客户
讨论汽车安全,她的目标是整理常用词汇. 但是确实有
一个缺失的部分:人与人之间的联系. Tatiraju发现脱离上下文的常用词,
缺乏解决问题的有效手段. 她被这种人与人之间的联系所吸引
her second assistantship, 她在那里 begin work on a unique research project with Henry Ford

“在医院工作要真实得多,”Tatiraju解释说. “人的因素是
总是必要的. 为了收集准确的数据,你需要面对面的交流.”

Tatiraju找到了自己的使命. 她沉浸在医疗保健的数据分析和研究中
the common threads of people diagnosed with sepsis — a common, 但 potentially deadly
感染引起的状况. 这个研究项目更像是一个实习项目
graduating from 奥克兰, Tatiraju seamlessly transitioned straight into a career with Henry Ford

“It feels amazing that I can contri但e something back to society 和 I’m proud to make a difference in people’s lives,Tatiraju说. “医疗保健对我来说就像家一样.”



他的家人都是工程师和教师, Alyssa Lalko, 秒20, 在对所有研究领域的热爱和欣赏中长大, 从数学到音乐. 但 it was her fascination with the physics of movement that solidified her decision to major in mechanical engineering. Lalko’s pursuit toward this degree led her to 奥克兰’s 工程与计算机科学 Day, 和 found the welcoming 和 close-knit community between students 和 faculty just what she was looking for.

“Having this connection with the faculty has really helped me be more engaged with my studies, 在我的研究和我对未来的关注,拉科说.

大二的时候, on track with her bachelor’s in mechanical engineering 和 specialization in energy, Lalko was accepted into the Applied 研究 Experience for Electrical 和 Computer Engineers (ApREECE) 程序 — a 研究 Experience for Undergraduates (REU) 程序 hosted at OU for engineering students —和 once in the 程序, 她意识到,“有什么东西突然灵光一闪.“直到现在, 拉科对自己的职业道路并不确定, 但, 多亏了REU项目, 她现在知道,她想把自己的工作重点缩小到研究相关的职业上.

目前,拉科正在研究无人机,他正在研究如何让无人机飞得更久. “无人机由电池驱动,它们的能量密度非常低, 也就是说,就它们所能提供的能量而言,它们是非常重的,她描述道。. “因为重量对无人机来说是一个非常重要的因素, 电池供电的无人机最多只能持续30分钟. We’re coming up with the simplest approach to having drones fly longer by adding a gasoline system to the drone.”

家庭支持之间, 研究机会和教员合作, Lalko对她下一步攻读博士学位充满信心.D. 程序. 但, 她意识到每个人的道路看起来都不一样, 和 hopes to encourage aspiring female engineers to follow 和 explore their interests.

“有时候,你必须走自己的路,”她说. “Seek out opportunities to try new things 和 then don’t be afraid to take advantage of those opportunities. 这无疑帮助我定义了我的未来.”



女孩会数学吗?? 问问安娜·玛丽亚·斯帕努洛博士.D., 91年和93年, 和, 带着温暖的微笑, she will casually fold her h和s atop her large oak desk 和 share stories about her life-altering work in biomathematics.

“To develop mathematics in order to apply it into the medical community is amazing,” Dr. Spagnuolo说. “女性做这些事情的能力和勇敢改变了人们的看法. 这就是一些数学运算的价值.”

As professor 和 chair of 奥克兰’s Department of Mathematics 和 Statistics, Dr. Spagnuolo holds an impressive academic career earning her doctorate at Purdue 和 teaching 和 performing research at Texas A&M. 总之,她的工作是前所未有的. 作为一名博士生, she was instrumental in assisting federal agencies 和 world-renowned research organizations with real-world issues, including assessing the containment of radioactive elements in Nevada’s Yucca Mountains. 如果有一个问题是职业数学家或教育家无法解决的, 他们会叫斯帕努洛来. 但她在课堂上的出色表现也让她成为了众矢之的, 作为为数不多的主修数学的女生之一.

“那绝对是一种老派的思维方式。. Spagnuolo回忆. “我试着忽略它,它对我很有效,但这绝对不容易. 我必须克服很多困难. 这不是一段轻松的旅程.”

她是女性赋权的化身. Spagnuolo utilizes her competitive nature 和 vast education to study life-threatening illnesses through mathematical models. 她 is one of only a h和ful of researchers in the world devoted to exploring Chagas – a parasitic disease found in Central 和 South America. 与其他专家合作, Spagnuolo uses mathematical simulations to track the disease process 和 test scenarios to determine the best way to eradicate it. As much as she loves this work, though, her heart lies with mentoring her students at 奥克兰.

“My heart is in academia 和 Michigan, 和 I love the sense of community here,” Dr. Spagnuolo说. “每个人都乐于互相帮助, 正因为如此,这里的学生后来表现得很好.”

我告诉我所有的学生, 尤其是女性, 他们应该永远追随自己的梦想,她继续说道。. “不应该有任何东西阻止他们成功.”

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